
Seek God presence your Life

We live in a world of uncertainty and unpredictability. Life can be full of disappointments and sorrow, but knowing Jesus provides us much more than a life free of suffering. If you’ve accepted His offer of eternal life, you know that He is with you no matter what life brings. Because of His great love, God will never leave you alone in pain or sadness. When you choose to follow Jesus, you enter into a relationship with the Lord. This is not a religion—it’s a personal relationship.

Understanding when we need God in our lives. To seek the Lord’s will is to listen for His voice. It requires that we seek His will in the responsibilities He gives us. It requires that we seek His will in the way we handle the circumstances of life. It requires that we seek His will in how we give or receive correction.

1. Find a quiet place to pray

Prayer for Christians is talking and listening to God. Prayer is having an open and honest conversation, sharing our joys, our concerns, and our disappointments, with the Creator of the universe. Prayer is also listening to God. God speaks to us through His word (the Bible), through other people, through the Bible’s story-line, and through the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit. Prayer is about expressing what is in our hearts to God, and about listening for God’s response.

2. Be true to God

These are divine plans and purposes designed by our creator for our lives. There is only one thing we need to do to get more of God in our lives. We need to make God our first priority. We should have faith in God. We cannot seek God’s presence in our life without being true with God. We must be living a faithful life. If we seek him, we will find him. But, we must first seek him.

Do you want to experience true fellowship with God and other believers? Do you desire the peace that comes from knowing the Lord is with you? Do you want to receive God’s blessings? You must first seek God’s presence in your life.

2. Acknowledge God

Praising and worshiping God daily is a must for everyone. It is our spiritual connection to our creator. When we praise and worship God, we not only acknowledge God’s presence in our lives, but also draw closer to God.

If you have a desire to get closer to God, acknowledge him to seek his presence in your life. It is a simple concept, but many struggle with it. Simply, acknowledgment is the acknowledgment, appreciation, realization, or acceptance of something. Essentially, acknowledgement of God is seeking his presence. Acknowledging God brings his presence, and that presence is spiritual.

4. Listen to God

A vital piece of our growth as Christians is learning to hear the voice of God. The importance of discerning God’s voice, or “movements” as we call it, cannot be overstated. Our desire is for everyone to know God intimately and experience His presence in a powerful way. To do this, we must call on God and listen to Him. This is a spiritual discipline that takes time and intentional practice.

Listening for God in your life means making room for his presence. You can’t invite God into your life and then leave no room for him. If you truly want God’s anointing, you have to open your heart to allow it. One of the best ways to make room for God’s anointing in your life is by spending time in God’s Word. When we consistently spend time in God’s Word, God’s Holy Spirit speaks to our hearts and reminds us of how awesome and powerful he is.

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