
It Hurts To Grow

As a child I was very short whenever I complained about aches or pains that had no clear physical explanation, my parental diagnosis was: “It’s just growing pains.” I used to imagine my muscles and bones hurting while they stretched and grew. While I know nothing about the scientific nature of this evaluation then, today I do know it has a spiritual application that is very accurate. It hurts to grow. 

Why does It hurt to grow? because we must die to old ways in order to live anew, and old habits die hard. We place a high premium in life on dying peacefully but dying to anything is accompanied by pain. It’s hard letting go of our security blankets. 

It hurts to grow because growing usually means facing some fear or weakness that has limited us. Though God saves us through no effort of our own, he asks for our cooperation when it comes to our spiritual growth. Real spiritual growth only happens when our effort to act upon God’s word meets the provision of the Holy Spirit in us. 

Today learn this spiritual principle of growth. We obey by stepping into our weakness or our fear, trusting in the fact that because it is something He asks of us, He will meet us somewhere along the way with the power to do it. This is almost always a painful proposition because it requires a step into the unknown. What if God doesn’t keep His promises? I suppose we can ask that question, but we will never get the answer until we step. We must take the step as painful as it may be. And if that doesn’t hurt in some way to make these changes maybe it’s not God’s will and there may be there no growth. Old ways die hard, but new life dances on the gravestone. 

“Put into action God’s saving work in your lives, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. For God is working in you, giving you the desire to obey Him and the power to do what pleases Him.” Philippians 2:12-13 (NLT). 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for the incredible pain you suffered on the cross for me. Not only did You carry the sins of the world,” past, present and future” but You died an extremely painful death. God, You are the best Friend I could ever ask for. Help me place my trust in you by accepting your word even when painful. I cast all my anxiety about moving forward on you. In Christ’s Name Amen 

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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