
Dedicated Disciples ?

Becoming a serious Christian, around 15 years ago, was the most liberating moment of my life. It was also daunting. A world that once was familiar now appeared foreign, simply because most people I knew were not free. However, I knew I would need a family of fellow believers, for strength and survival.  

With fervent prayer, I explored churches and prayer groups to find that “place” where I could flourish in my exciting liberating faith. It wasn’t long before one church spoke the word “home” to my spirit, as I was greeted by the senior pastor and others who had been shepherding the congregation for years. They took me under their wings and lovingly, became my spiritual family. I met other church members and enrolled in a bible study about who Jesus was and the dynamics of Christianity. Oh, and their prayer meetings were powerful. 

God continued to lead me in nurturing pathways to strengthen my beliefs. The members were the epitome of disciples. They accepted, taught, and counselled me. Their commitment to my Christian maturity was transformational and something I’m still emotionally grateful for, years later. This church’s love for God and diligence in seeing me grow was Jesus in action. Though things weren’t perfect, I know they still exuded the personalities of dedicated disciples within the great tapestry of God’s kingdom. 

Today as a follower of Christ, endeavour to mirror the same characteristics as a good disciple. Nurture, love, and pray in the power of the Spirit. As believers, this is our obligation. May we never hesitate to speak or act in the life of someone needing help and discipleship. 

“Therefore, as we have the opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”  Galatians 6:10 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, I desire to serve and honour you with my life. Father, grant me the heart of a dedicated disciple when encountering other believers who need guidance and love. God, please help me grow and mature spiritually as I seek to serve, in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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