
Compromise Does Not Pay ?

Abraham became a father, as God promised, but the pause between God’s promise and its fulfilment, spanned decades, causing Abraham to question the accuracy of God’s prediction. Like us, Abraham sought to reshape God’s promise into an idol he could touch, see, and understand. “Compromise was his answer,” he said. “I will sleep with the maidservant for this is what God meant no matter what His word says.” 

Abraham forgot this simple formula, God’s plan + God’s timing + Godly trust = Godly fruit. When this equation is broken, that’s when we stumble and fall.  If we do stumble, fall or fail like Abraham, it doesn’t mean it’s all over. Get up and get back to the formula, remembering always that God keeps His promises. The question that must be answered is: “Can I trust God enough to see me through to the other side even when I can’t see the edge or the end?”, and that is the question that haunts us even today as we face life’s challenges.

Today, we fear falling, failure and defeat in all their finality. We reach for the dream and recoil when our fingers find nothing but emptiness. We wonder if there is hope for us, covered in a desert mess. The problem with Christians is, too many of us are afraid of failure. God rarely makes our fear disappear – instead, He asks us to be strong and take courage. Claim the plans God has planted in your heart. Hold God’s hand and give birth to your dream. You won’t find the edge if you don’t lean and reach for it. So lean on Him and look across the wasteland, your promise is still there. 

But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!” – Matthew 14:27 (NLT) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, have mercy on me. Many times, I have stumbled and fallen. From time to time, I am stuck in life’s wilderness, afraid and discouraged and ready to compromise.  Today I ask You to help me not make my fear despair. God, I thank You for not making my failure the final act in my life. Father, I embrace Your abundant life and I answer the hard question, “can I trust you when things get tuff ?” and I will answer “yes I can and I will” in Jesus’s name. Amen.

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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