
Love and trust God no matter what

Recently I’ve been reflecting on the different experiences that have occurred in my life. Some have been joyful, memorable, and pleasant experiences that have caused me to smile and brought my joy to my heart as I remember. While others have been difficult, dark, and painful to recall.

These have brought tears to my eyes as the ugly realities of the events flash through my mind. Yet these events the good, bad, and ugly all combined form the woman I am today. A woman who has learned to love and trust God no matter what life throws at her. A woman who has found her purpose in Christ Jesus.

This morning I’m grateful that God wastes nothing of the experiences we go through in life. The good, the bad and the ugly. He has the ability to cause all of it to work for our good. So no matter what you are going through today allow these experiences to build your trust, grow your love and find your purpose in all in Jesus Christ. As you do you’ll discover how He causes everything to work for your good!

– Pastor Sophia Peart

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