
Overcoming By Grace

The strength in our verse today does not come by gritting our teeth. It does not come by pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps. It won’t be wrought with statements of self-affirmation – “Yes, I can!”. The strength Paul described to Timothy doesn’t come from within. We only become strong through the grace that is in Jesus Christ.

Just like the old hymn says, grace is truly amazing, and it will carry us through. Consider how many ways grace works in our lives: We are saved by grace. We are justified by grace. We are sanctified by grace. We are to live every moment of every day by grace. And we are empowered by grace to overcome every struggle that comes our way in our daily lives. However, we must accept the grace that God offers.

Our lives are filled with distractions, and we have busy schedules. That’s why, all too often, we forget what the power of Christ can accomplish in our lives. How many times have you found yourself in a challenging situation, facing an unsolvable problem—only to respond with panic, anger, or blame? How often we forget to call upon the Lord and ask for His wisdom in our times of need!

Today you may ask how do we begin to do this in our daily lives? We start by immersing ourselves in the Scriptures and dwelling on God’s Truth. The Bible delivers God’s promises to us afresh and reminds us of the beautiful story He is writing with our lives. Are you lonely? God’s Word will comfort you. Are you burdened with guilt? God’s Word will set you free. Are you full of bitterness and resentment? God’s Word will show you how to forgive. Are you discouraged? God’s Word will lift your spirit. Are you lost? God’s Word will light your way back to Him. You can know triumph in times of defeat. You can know peace in the midst of chaos. And when fear, shame, and discouragement threatens your joy, you can stand strong in the grace of God.

“You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 2:1). 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for the gift of Your Spirit, who gives me strength and Your Word that reveals Your sure promises. Father, I have hope because You are with me. Your grace uplifts me and gives me courage. Grant me boldness to serve You and Your Kingdom. I pray in Jesus’s name. Amen.

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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