
Total Dependence

The story was told of A group of young men that were meeting by a river. During their usual horseplay, one of the men fell into the water. Immediately, this fellow began to thrash around, and it became obvious that he was an inexperienced, weak swimmer.

Another member of the group, a strong swimmer, stood by and watched as his friend fought to stay afloat. Those on shore began to shout at the good swimmer, demanding that he jump into the water to save his friend, but he waited a few more seconds. Once the drowning man stopped his wild struggle, his friend dove in and pulled him to safety.

The rescuer then explained why he had waited to save the drowning man: “If I had jumped in earlier, he would have been too strong for me and possibly both of us would have drowned. Only by waiting until he was too exhausted to try to save himself could I save him.”

There are times when our self-effort can prevent us from being saved. This is especially true concerning our spiritual salvation. There is only one way to be saved from a sure death: by stopping all human efforts and crying out to the Lord Jesus Christ for His forgiveness and mercy.

Today I tell you the truth, the more a person seeks to devise ways of saving himself, the deeper he will sink into fear and disillusionment. Salvation is a gift, not the result of our good works. It is a gift that is given graciously by God, who loves us with eternal love. Truly, there is no greater gift we can receive! Do you feel as though you are drowning and want to give up? Call out to Jesus right now, and He will save you.

“Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has everlasting life” (John 6:47).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for the free gift of eternal life. Father, I acknowledge that You are the only one through your Son that can save me and change my heart. God teach me to follow You, that You may be glorified in me. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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