
Dress For True Success

As I was packing for this current trip, I wasn’t sure what clothes to take. Thought about the weather, the people and what their expectations are. Self-help books are well known for this bit of advice: Dress for success. “Do you want to have a dream career”, they say? Are you longing for fulfilling relationships? Well, one thing they say you must do is dress for success!

I heard of a college graduate who had several job interviews lined up. He would dry-clean his whole business suit before every interview. He wanted to look perfect to land his dream job. I don’t know if the dry cleaning helped, but he got a job offer.

In today’s Bible passage, the apostle Paul tells us to clothe ourselves with Christ. Is this something as superficial as a “dress for success” mantra? Of course not! Paul is talking here about having Jesus’ work in every aspect of our lives. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we need to put aside our sinful actions and behave decently in every area of life. That means no things like drunkenness, sexual immorality, fighting with others, or selfishness.

Today Paul encourages us to wrap ourselves in Christ. We need to show outwardly what has taken place inwardly. Christ’s grace is compared to the versatile Middle Eastern robe that keeps you cool in the hot sun and warm during cold desert nights. That’s what we need in our journey of life. Christ is our best “attire” to protect us from temptations and to help us witness to others about God’s love.

Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus … and do not think about how to gratify the … sinful nature. Romans 13:14 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, cleanse our hearts from sin so that we may clothe ourselves with Christ from head to toe. His love, goodness, and kindness. Father help us to be your faithful followers and witnesses at all times in Christ’s name, Amen!

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By Pastor Ray Patrick

Evangelism. Outreach. Ministry.
Pastor Ray Patrick is a R.E Teacher at The Eden School

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