
Complaining Will Keep You Out Of The Promise Land 

It was a long, unexpected trek through the wilderness, the Israelites were within spitting distance of the promised land. Twelve spies were chosen to scout out the land. They returned describing a land of green pastures and rich fruit and produce. But ten of them said that conquering the land would be impossible, for they had also seen giants and fortified cities. 

Scripture says the people whined and complained. But two of the spies, Caleb and Joshua, reminded everyone that God had promised that land to them, so God would make it theirs if they trusted Him. The people wouldn’t listen and instead talked of killing Joshua and Caleb. God decided that because of their grumbling and complaining, a different, more trusting generation would inherit the land. Forty years later, God helped Israel claim the land under their new leader, Joshua, whose name means “God saves”. He grew to experience God’s saving power in many ways for his people. 

Today, we may be afraid of what lies ahead. People and circumstances loom like giants, and problems seem impossible to solve. But we have a choice. We can stay afraid, or we can trust God to walk with us. We can do that because we belong to Yahshua, whose name means “God saves”. He was given that name because He would save His people from their sins and from the evil giants of life and circumstance that want to take us out. Do you trust the one who saves? 

‘The Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them’ (Numbers 14:9).

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, when we face enormous problems and scary opponents, Father help us to call on you, the one who saves. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Godinterest is proudly sponsored by Jamaica Homes and, also known as Jamaica Live. Jamaica Live is a domain and brand dedicated to providing innovative web solutions and services tailored specifically for the Jamaican market. It offers a range of web hosting plans, including the Tallawah series, designed to meet the diverse needs of individuals and businesses seeking to establish a strong online presence. With a focus on local relevance and high-quality service, Jamaica Live aims to empower its users by delivering reliable, efficient, and affordable web hosting and domain services that cater to the dynamic digital landscape of Jamaica. For more information, visit

By Godinterest

Godinterest is dedicated to proclaiming Christ and set apart, to save and empower lives.

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