
A Beautiful Thing 

The woman’s act of anointing Jesus with expensive perfume, was such an important gesture. Jesus called what she did “a beautiful thing” because it flowed from the love in her heart. She came to Jesus unexpectedly and poured perfume on his head. 

Scripture suggests her deed was also beautiful, because it was costly. The perfume was soo expensive. She could have purchased much with the money it was worth. Thus, the fact that her action was sacrificial, made it beautiful in the eyes of the Lord. 

Today, as we contemplate the woman with the alabaster box of expensive perfume, Jesus saw that the woman had seized a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to anoint his body for burial, according to their custom. Her act was also beautiful because of her deep devotion. The disciples criticized the woman for wasting valuable ointment, but Jesus saw that she acted out of love and gratitude to him. 

Today, why not ask God for opportunities you can use to do beautiful things of gratitude for your saviour.

“Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing to me.” (Matthew 26:10).

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, in response to your love for me, I want to grow in love and gratitude to you. Father, help me fill my life with beautiful deeds that honour you. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen. 

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By Godinterest

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