
My Brother, God Knows…

My brother, I know you haven’t forgotten. The pain is too fresh for it to fade to the back of your memory. In fact, that same pain may be present as you read this. Life’s pressures just don’t seem to let up. Almost as if they alternate to ensure that on any given day you feel the extreme pressure.
Your smile appears on your face after mustering up all the strength you have to show it. Truth be told, if people weren’t so nosey, you wouldn’t try to hide what you’re going through. The people closest to you, who know your toil, sympathize with you but have no solutions to offer. You only truly know your misery. But don’t forget, God’s knows too.
Every tear, every pain, and every loss you have suffered is well known to God. He is in tune with exactly what you’re going through. Though you may pray and feel like there’s only silence, He does hear you and He knows exactly what you’re going through, but now it’s time for you to experience a bit of what He had to go through.
Our brother Jesus endured the persecution, hate, and hurt from the people he loved. As he hung from the cross, he felt separation from his Father as many of us do. As if God left him to die alone. But as you know, God had already empowered Jesus with all the strength to endure to the end. The same goes for you.
Brother, take courage today and stay the course. Know that you have enough word in you to sustain and make it through the storm. Although it may be hard for you to accept all that you are going through, just know that God is always with you. You are not going through the pain alone. At the appointed time…you will stand victorious before man, in the name of our saviour Jesus Christ. So for the record…God has not forgotten. God is faithful and He will NEVER break his promise. My brother You will make it…
“Record my misery; list my tears on your scroll—are they not in your record?” (Psalm 56:8).
Let’s pray
Yahweh, I claim victory in your name today! I don’t care what I’m going through, how much it hurts, or how confusing it may be. I choose to trust you through it all. I don’t know why You chose me to go through this, but I know there is a reason that You will later reveal to me. Until then I will keep Your praises on my lips as my eyes release tears. I will sing thanks to the Father as the pressures in life build. I will surrender it all to Him. He deserves all the glory and honour. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Godinterest is proudly sponsored by Jamaica Homes and, also known as Jamaica Live. Jamaica Live is a domain and brand dedicated to providing innovative web solutions and services tailored specifically for the Jamaican market. It offers a range of web hosting plans, including the Tallawah series, designed to meet the diverse needs of individuals and businesses seeking to establish a strong online presence. With a focus on local relevance and high-quality service, Jamaica Live aims to empower its users by delivering reliable, efficient, and affordable web hosting and domain services that cater to the dynamic digital landscape of Jamaica. For more information, visit

By Godinterest

Godinterest is dedicated to proclaiming Christ and set apart, to save and empower lives.

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