
Storms of Judgment

The Bible includes many passages about the destruction of the wicked, that is, people who refuse to live God’s way. They decide to go their way instead, leading only to destruction. That’s because we are all sinners. Born with a sinful nature, we cannot live pure and perfect lives on our own. Everything we do is somehow tainted with sin, and we can see this easily because nothing we ever do is perfect.
There is hope. God has reached out to us with the offer of salvation and new life. We cannot save ourselves or live perfectly on our own, but Jesus Christ – God’s Son, has come to pay the debt of our sin. When we believe in him as Saviour, God credits us with Jesus’ righteousness. This means we can actually be righteous, even though we have no way to be righteous on our own. This also means that when the storm of God’s judgment comes at the end of time, we will not be swept away with the wicked. Because of Jesus Christ and his finished work, we will be saved.
Today, are you a believer in Jesus? The one who came to save us and give us full life forever with him? If not, ask him to save you today! Ask God to forgive your sins for Jesus’ sake, and to guide you to live for him by the power of his Spirit. God is our sure and only refuge from the destruction of the judgement, and we need him to help us live faithfully each day.
When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever. (Proverbs 10:25).
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, forgive my sins. Help me to trust in your power to save me during the storms of these last days through Jesus Christ. God, please guide me to live for you each day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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By Godinterest

Godinterest is dedicated to proclaiming Christ and set apart, to save and empower lives.

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