
The Rest of the Week: Sign of Christ’s Power

The Sabbath holds a unique place in the lives of believers, standing as a testament to both creation and redemption. This sacred day, set apart by God, is more than just a time for rest; it is a powerful symbol of our relationship with the Creator. In this blog post, we explore the significance of […]


The Christian Way

The Bible tells us that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”. God’s good purpose for all Christians is that we are “conformed to the likeness of his Son”. Christians are to reflect Jesus’ perfection both in their character and in […]

culture life

Unveiling the Narrative: Language, Perception, and the African Identity

In the complex tapestry of human interactions, language has become a lens through which we perceive, label, and categorize ourselves and others. This thought-provoking exploration delves into the intricacies of language and its role in shaping perceptions, particularly in the context of Africans and their global counterparts. From the terminology surrounding migrations to the biases […]

faith life

Cultivating a Faith Based Marriage

A friend once asked me how do I keep a faith based marriage? It wasn’t something that happened overnight, it was a marriage lifestyle that we had to cultivate. Jesus’s sermon on the mount of olives taught us the values and way of life he wishes for us to live. I use this as inspiration […]

faith life

Is it a SIN for Christians to have sex on Sunday (within Marriage)?

I am struggling with a sin,” he confessed. “I am tempted to have sex with my wife on the Lord’s Day.”

life social good

Rape victims in UK must hand over phones to police or face cases being dropped under new bold forward thinking scheme

Victims of rape and serious sexual assault could allow suspects to avoid charges if they refuse point blank to give police access to their mobile phone contents, two top officials have said.

faith life

My Anger and Need for Control Was Killing My Marriage (And My Faith)

Are you an angry person? If you exhibit any of the listed traits below, then it’s most possible that you are. Not wanting to put up with (or wait for) something or someone Often holding the belief that you are totally correct or morally superior Irritable and Harsh in word and/or deed Refuses to accept […]

faith life

5 Truths about God’s Design for Sex in Marriage

Living in an over-sexualized culture, we hear messages about sex, wrong messages.   These messages become more a part of us than God’s truth because we hear them repetitively and churches are scared to address sexuality.

faith life

What Should Be Different about a Christian Marriage?

It’s easy to think that only “other people” get divorced. That your own marriage is somehow immune to heartache, infidelity and fights over who gets the house, the car, the dog. After all, how many of us would walk down the aisle if we believed our relationships would end up in divorce court?

faith life

Marriage 2.0: Software Review

A newly married man wrote this to a computer *Data Analyst*.

faith life

After 21 Years of Marriage, My Wife Wanted Me to Take Another Woman out to Dinner

This story is heartwarming and tragic in equal measure, but will definitely have you thinking about the quality time you spend with the people closest to you.

faith life

Poem: The Unravelling of a Christian Marriage

Marry a cheater or liar, everyday will become April Fool’s Day.

faith life

European Court of Human Rights: Same-sex ‘marriage’ is not a human right

Unanimously, the World Court of Human Rights has established, verbatim, that “there is no right to homosexual marriage”, making it clear that homosexual partnerships do not, in fact, equal marriages between a man and a woman.