
Keep Believing: God in the Midst of Our Deepest Struggles

The biggest barrier to faith is life itself. Divorce. Cancer. Infertility. Death. There are times in our lives in which God seems very far away. We don’t understand His silence. We only feel the intensity of our pain and the echoing question of ‘why?’


Renewal, Of People Of God – Knowing Jesus

That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man. Ephesians 3:16. Have you ever heard the phase – you’re living on borrowed time? Meaning living after the time you would have expected to have died. Well, there is some truth […]


25 Faith Strengthening Christian Quotes

In an increasingly pessimistic and cynical world, it can often be quite difficult to be a faithful and devoted Christian. When there are sin and wickedness all around, it’s often tough to trust in God’s plan for your own life and the entire world without the shadow of a doubt.

culture faith

Mum Shocked After One Twin is Born with Albinism: Real Life Story

“How did I get black and white twins?”


What Is Happening In France?

Over two hundred churches attacked in France in the past two years, twenty of them burned to the ground. And now Notre Dame… what on earth is happening in France? I was channel surfing last month when I caught the tail end of a news report: Notre Dame was on fire. I couldn’t believe it! […]


If You Only Believe

My little daughter is very sick. She is close to death. Will You come to my home and pray for her? These were the words of a sad father in Scripture.


Between A Rock And A Hard Place!

When we’re caught between a rock and a hard place, we feel trapped, stuck, and tired of where we are. We don’t know what to do, or we don’t know how to legitimately do what we feel we need to do. We’re like the Israelites with Pharaoh on one side and the Red Sea on the other. Death seems certain either way.


You Don’t Control The Outcomes Of Your Life, Principles Do.

Lord, Help Me Endure One More Day


Higdon Name Meaning & Higdon Family History

Delicate, rare and striking – forgotten photographs of black Britons in the late 19th and early 20th century have been unearthed from the depths of the Hulton Archive — one of the world’s oldest and largest archives holding over 80 million images.


Dangerous “MOMO Challenge”

Parents have been warned about a new sick WhatsApp ‘suicide’ game called Momo that could be next Blue Whale.


I’m White, Privileged With a Message on Racism That The World Is Missing

Racism is a pretty controversial topic, especially in the world we live in today. Among Christians, things can get especially dicey, as the rest of the world’s eyes are just staring and waiting for us to make a mistake.


They Were “Spiritual”…But Not Christlike

Anyone who says the Christian life is unadventurous hasn’t hung out much with the Apostle Paul.


The Awkwardness of Witnessing at Work

How many Christians work in your office? Not sure? Maybe they’ve chosen to hide their true identity. Maybe your office is teaming with undercover Christians. Are you one of them?


What If Your Child Doesn’t Like the Gender GOD Gave Them?

You are a parent who loves the LORD and seeks to obey Him in all things, and you raise your children to do the same (Deut 6:6-7). What happens though, when your child tells you that they do not like the gender that GOD gave them?


Can Tithing Make You Rich?

When we talk about money, the subject of giving is often a distant afterthought. That’s unfortunate, because tithing—that is, the practice of giving 10 percent of your income to charity (typically a church or religious community)— has been espoused for centuries, both by those in and outside religion.


Who am I in Christ?

Who am I? It’s a big question that we all endeavor to answer at some point. But can we truly answer it? Yes! Society often put labels on who you are, depending on your job, education, ethnic background etc. But these things don’t really speak to who you are.