
I Want Joy!

After a hard year many of us might have lost the joy we started the year with. Did you know that it is God’s will for you to be joyful always? He wants you to be happy and carefree. He wants you to love your life no matter what your circumstances look like. In fact, […]


An Unexpected Journey

In his old age Jacob now begins one more journey. Many years earlier, Jacob had fled his homeland in fear; now he leaves in the hope of a joyful reunion with a son he had thought was dead. But this journey also requires him to leave the land God has promised to him. This journey will […]


As We End 2021 Switch To Praise

After dealing with 4 deaths in 4 days I have concluded this is a hard season. We all face challenges and obstacles. We all have dreams in our hearts, and at times, it looks like they may not come to pass. When this happens, we have a choice. We can get negative and discouraged and […]


Thanksgiving Pt 5

This weekend is Thanksgiving weekend in America. One thing we don’t regularly thank God for are the lives of the faithful ones in our family that have gone before. We ought to thank Him for His promise to pass down blessings from generation to generation. Some blessings are stored up for you because someone in your family line honoured […]


Thanksgiving Pt 2

Challenges and obstacles are normal in this life. During these difficult seasons, we have a choice. We can get negative and discouraged and talk about how things are not going to work out, or we can flip the script and go into praise and thanksgiving mode, which opens the door for God to move on our behalf. […]


Get A Vision Of Victory

Do things feel hard? Are you facing a massive situation that seems impossible? Does it seem like you will never get what God has promised you? Joshua 6 tells the story about how the odds were stacked against Joshua and the people of Israel. They were standing at the massive unbreachable wall of Jericho that […]


Armed For The Battle

You can overcome any obstacle through Christ. God has equipped you with everything you need to fulfil your destiny through His Word. That means you are well able to do what He has called you to do. You can accomplish your goals. You can fulfil your dreams! You’ve been armed with strength for every battle.  […]


Equipped For The Journey

Realise today, God didn’t make anyone inferior. He didn’t make any person second class. You are a masterpiece! You are fully loaded and totally equipped for the race that’s been designed for your life! Say to yourself “I may not look like someone else, or have the job that someone else has, but that’s okay. Nobody […]


God Gives Us Power

Travelling from Watford, to do a revival after my radio broadcast, the enemy was trying to bombard my mind with negatives. Saying your too tired, is this worth it, the church is not ready, there is no excitement and there will be no visitors. But the Spirit reminded me God will give you strength, He […]


God Made You, You

I heard someone saying they wished they looked different. They wished they were lighter skinned like their friend who gets all the young men. Did you know that when you compare yourself to others, or wish you were like someone else, it’s like saying God just didn’t do a good enough job? It’s actually like […]


Totally Equipped

Growing up, I was the smallest boy in class. I used to want to be tall like some of the others. Did you know that when you compare yourself to others or wish you were like someone else, it’s like saying God didn’t do a good job with you? You’re actually saying, “God, why did […]



As I end my week here in sunny grey Watford, I am reflecting on the goodness of God, and that helps to set my tone for the day and this weekend. When you wake up in the morning, do you expect the goodness of God in your life? Do you set the tone of the […]


Just Agree!

Approximately 20 years before Abraham had a child, God said to him, “Abraham, I have made you a father of many nations.” Notice God spoke to him like it had already happened, in the past tense. I’m sure Abraham thought, “God, You must have made a mistake. I’m not a father. I don’t even have […]


Armed For Every Battle

You have the ideas, the creativity and talent to be successful. You can overcome any obstacle through Christ. God has equipped you with everything you need to fulfil your destiny through His Word. That means you are well able to do what He has called you to do. You can accomplish your goals. You can […]


God’s Love

I’m always disheartened, bewildered and even confused by the way we use the word “love,” prompting the question “what is love?” We love food, movies, clothes and sports, but we also love our family or spouse. In the Word of God, we see God’s true definition of love. First Corinthians 13 tells us that “love […]


Walk In His Blessings

Are you looking for abundance? Well, God wants to bring you to a place of abundance! A place filled with favour, opportunity, good health and great relationships. You may not be there yet, but don’t worry, your blessing is on the way. Hallelujah!   David reminds us in Psalm 31, “God has blessings stored up for […]