
Pruning Season

While pastoring in central California I was surrounded by vineyards. Have you ever walked through a vineyard? In John 15, Jesus’ words to His disciples reveal that He had passed through many vineyards. He had no doubt observed a caretaker faithfully preparing the grape vines for harvest: tenderly and thoroughly examining each vine and its […]


Live Like A Tree

Living in California I saw all kinds of trees. Large trees represent power, majesty, and stability. I also noticed the difference between a tree planted by the water and a tree far away from water? The tree next to the water was much healthier and more vibrant. Its fruit and blossoms were the most beautiful. […]


The Golden Gate City’s out-of-control Housing Market: San Francisco Shack Just Sold for $1.2 million

The rich are getting richer. According to Chris Matthews of Fortune magazine. It’s been in the news countless times — the top one percent of households control a disproportionate share of wealth in the United States, and that share has only increased in recent years.