
Don’t Judge Me

If you know me I can be very critical at times. Just recently I had to learn this valuable lesson, criticism given in the wrong way can make us feel anxious and in some cases, worthless. But when it’s given fairly and constructively, with real care and encouragement, not only does it show us where we’re going wrong, it […]


How Forgiveness Can Make You Love Again

When somebody wrongs you—either by accident or on purpose—it can be hard to get over it. You may never be able to reconcile with the wrongdoer, but forgiveness is divine and it gives you a chance to be a better person.


A Prayer for My Stressed-Out, Hardworking Husband

No one gets a free pass from stressful times. As Christians, prayer and the Scriptures are our greatest weapons against this stress epidemic.


Are You the Sheep of God’s Pasture?

Those who are familiar with sheep, however, can tell you there are two basic sheep personalities: those which understand the protection of their shepherd and will follow him anywhere, and those that are rebellious, wild and just plain dumb.


Where Have All the Fathers Gone?

A devastating epidemic is leaving a trail of broken hearts and broken dreams in its wake. What is this tragic outbreak? It’s the epidemic of disappearing fathers, who are sorely needed.


Tomorrow’s Homes: Modern Methods of Construction

The Prefabricated Home doesn’t provide any answers, but it certainly asks the right questions, and they don’t just relate to prefabrication and housing, they concern the profession as a whole.


43 Great Quotes To Inspire You To Be a Better Christian Leader

A curated list of great leadership quotes by Christian thought leaders and from biblical passages, and scripture.


2 Ways Residential Elderly Care Providers Can Drive Growth

The care sector is growing fast. People are its most valuable asset and investment in care-home developments is being fuelled by an ageing population and a growing demand for specialist skills.


Professional Consultancy Responds to Health and Social Care Challenges

As people in the UK live longer, demand for residential care and nursing homes is growing, as are our expectations of the standard of living they will provide.