
When the rain is still present

God doesn’t wait for us to be through our trials and tribulations to remind us of His faithfulness and promises. He reminds us right in the middle of the storms.


Unqualified verses Qualified

Feels like you have jumped the queue, uncertain that you really truly can’t meet the demand of what you’ve been called to do…


Confidence in the Midst of Adversity

When do you most need God?
The answer to that question is easy–when I’m in deep trouble. It’s natural to call out to God when I’m in some great or urgent need.


God’s Social Justice — Amos the Prophet

“No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream.’” Martin Luther King from Amos 5:24 I recently taught on the book of Amos during a study of the Twelve Minor Prophets. As I studied Amos I was able to see […]


Did Jesus exist before Abraham?

Jesus made many statements recorded in the Gospels that garnered great controversy in His day. He said that He came from heaven (John 3:13), had the authority to forgive sins (Luke 7:48—50), and is the “Lord even of the Sabbath” (Mark 2:28). But perhaps His most surprising assertion was given in response to the Jews […]


Lead me, LORD

My greatest enemies are not parading around out in the open. They are lurking within. Pride and selfish ambition come dressed up in various disguises.


Pray for the Persecuted Church — Nigeria

Soldier of Christ, if thou enlisteth, thou wilt have to do hard battle. There is no bed of down for thee; there it no riding to heaven in a chariot; the rough way must be trodden; mountains must be climbed, rivers must be forded, dragons must be fought, giants must be slain, difficulties must be […]


Guilt Trip

It is one of the devil’s most powerful weapons against us, and will leave you feeling defeated, unworthy, and low on faith.


All kinds of Wonderful

We are all kinds of messed up in this world, but God is all kinds of Wonderful. There is no sin He cannot forgive, no kind of failure that He cannot redeem.


Does God Hear Your Voice?

All too often our conversations with God are one sided. We blurt out our requests and rush off into our day. We don’t wait expectantly for the LORD’s reply.



Because the truth is, every one of us is awful. In more ways than one. Every one of us has a part of us that is not deserving of love.


The Miracle of Tears and Redemption

I caught a tear from my eye this morning as it began to meander down my cheek. Soon I began to wonder about the purpose of tears.  Why do we have them? What purpose do they serve? My search took me to the phrase I heard a friend utter the other week. “This life is […]


Where You Look Is Where You Go

As we trust in the LORD and look to Him, as a loving Father, He turns His face to us. The light of His face shines on us. Wow! That fills my heart with joy.


Confidence in the Midst of Adversity

When do you most need God? The answer to that question is easy–when I’m in deep trouble.


Praying Like a Rock Star

Why do we like Rock Stars? And why do so many want to be one, but never get there? Rock stars become stars- because they hit the nail on the head (somewhere) they are hitting on what people are feeling, experiencing, wanting & desiring! Yesterday I asked the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me”¦Yes […]


How Much Does Your Life Cost?

Worth. It’s such a powerful thing. The word is used to indicate how valuable something is, usually the value of an expensive car or your dream house. But also, commonly, it is used to describe a person’s life. We are constantly yearning and seeking to be worth something to someone else. In society, we are […]