
Peace, Not As The World Gives

We are all in need of inner peace. We look to relationships, addictions, money, gadgets and even religion to try to find something that will fill our void. But true peace isn’t found in anything this world has to offer, it can only be found through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Only He can […]


What Is The Address In Your Heart Today?

What I’m really asking, is what are you expecting to happen in your life? What kind of attitude do you have? If your thoughts are stuck and you’re focused on what’s wrong, or what’s not working, then it’s time to change your address! It’s time to pack up your belongings and move out of the […]


It’s All About Your Perspective

After one of the biggest revivals in Preston and many people giving their heart to the Lord, I find myself focused on what’s wrong in life, what I don’t have, and how big my obstacles are. If we’re not careful, we’ll lose sight of all the good things God has done. We’ll take for granted […]


Perseverance Will Carry You To The Promise

What Do you need from God today? Finances? Good health? Restoration? Deliverance? God has promised all of these things to you in His Word, because it’s His desire for you to live abundantly. If you follow the will of God by obeying His Word and precepts, it opens the door for His promises to be […]


Keep Adding Clean Water

Do you want to be changed? Meditate on God’s Word and His marvellous deeds and it will change you! It will begin to drive out old, negative thoughts and fill you with His strength and power. How does that happen? Imagine that you are holding a glass of dirty water in your hand. It’s full […]


Leap Of Faith: How Writing A Faith Journal Will Deepen Your Devotion

If you’ve never been in the habit of keeping a faith journal, you might think your meditative prayer and reading scripture has given you a strong spiritual life. But beginning your journaling journey can supplement your spiritual practices and make tangible much of the faith you’ve taken for granted. Staring a faith journal is a […]


Overcoming Fears

There are times in our lives when the challenges we face are many. Whether there are things happening in your life or to the entirety of the world, fears can get the best of you. This can make anyone too scared to take chances and live their lives to the fullest. Overcoming fears that are […]


How To Change Bad Habits

What needs changing in your life? A bad habit, a bad attitude, or even negative, evil thoughts. You have to start by changing your mind. You have to change your thinking so that your thoughts are in line with God’s thoughts. When you make the decision to follow God in every area of your life, […]


What Are You Thinking?

Did you know that what you think affects your behaviour? Psychologists say “you are what you think.” Sometimes we need to just stop and think about what we are thinking about! The Bible tells us that what happens on the inside of us – our thoughts, attitudes and motives – are more important to God […]


The Best Choice You Could Ever Make!

In one day we make thousands of choices. Some are greater and more important than others. Some require lots of thought and the input of others. Making Christ the Lord of your life is the best choice you could ever make! Hallelujah!   However, once you make the choice to surrender to God, you have the […]


God Is Thinking About You

Day by day, moment by moment, God is thinking about you. He thinks about you constantly. You are always on His mind. What is He thinking about you may ask? He’s not thinking about all that you’ve done wrong in your life. No, He’s thinking about the good things He has in store for you […]


It’s Time To Take Your Life Back

Now, more than ever, our lives seem out of control, with governments making decisions for our every move. Have you ever felt like things in your life are out of control? That happens when you allow circumstances to dictate your thoughts and attitudes. You might say, “well, the economy is wreaking havoc on my business.” […]


Total Recall

These days are frustrating and sometimes overwhelming to say the least. During times like these that we have to be especially careful about what we think and say. It is said that our lives will go in the direction of our thoughts. Do you need to change your thoughts?  In Psalm 77 the psalmist, while […]


This Is Preparation Time

In these uncertain times of lockdown and restrictions, I have heard folks saying they are bored and frustrated. We all go through seasons of waiting, and this could be yours. A lot of times, people just sit back and wait for God to do it all. But you have to remember to do your part, […]


A Spiritual Immune Booster

Daily, since the pandemic started, we are hearing about different ways to boost our immune system and stay in good health. Here is a Biblical health tip. The best thing you can do for your health is to set your heart at peace with God. Peace is such a powerful position. It is a position […]


God Approves Of You

You were on God’s mind before you were ever on your parents’ mind. He knew everything about you before you entered your mother’s womb. You were created on purpose, for a purpose. He planned the colour of your hair, the colour of your eyes and the colour of your skin. God gave you gifts, talents […]