
God Has A Promise For You

This devotion begins with humans being called to reflect the rule and reign of God. But people turned away, seeking to build their own Kingdoms. This quickly turned to violence and oppression. Humans lived in rebellion rather than in harmony with God.  Amidst this situation, God called Abraham and Sarah. He came into their lives […]


Religious War? Christians and Muslims Clash in Nigeria

Scores are dead after vicious weekend clashes in central Nigeria between mostly Muslim cattle herders and Christian farmers, with one report citing police saying 86 people were killed.


65% of Mega-projects Fail

Mega-projects come with big expectations. But a project’s success is often in the eye of the beholder.


How To Deliver On The Promise of MegaProjects

Due to the large scale and outlook attached to them, mega-projects have a large opportunity for failure. Typically, the failure begins at the outset of the project, whether that be due to poor justification for the project, misalignment among stakeholders, insufficient planning, or inability to find and use appropriate capabilities.


Project Manager or Scapegoat?

Project managers have the toughest job; you’re pulled in a myriad of different directions trying to please management, your team and your clients. While you are often asked to perform miracles with tight turnaround times, it’s your head on the block when things don’t go according to plan.


The 8 Biggest Risks of Big Data Projects

The phenomenon of “Big Data” exacerbates the tension between potential benefits and privacy risks by upping the ante on both sides of the equation. Any project can fail for any number of reasons: bad management, poor budget management, or just a lack of relevant skills. However, big data projects bring their own specific risks.