
How to Use the Bible to Parent Children With Disabilities

United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund estimates that about 240 million children are born with impairments. As a result, Christians raising children with disabilities must understand how to nurture them biblically. However, this might be one of the most difficult elements of parenting. The good news is that you can often find guidance on how […]


Your Fear Is Not From God

As we reflect on 2020, so many people have missed out on God’s abundant life of joy, peace and victory because they have lived in a spirit of fear. They are afraid to make a decision, afraid to confront issues, afraid to step out, afraid of the past, afraid of the future, afraid of racism […]


What Does The Bible Say About Fathers?

Fathers play a pivotal role in the family and often the success of the father determines the success of the family. What Bible verses show us just how important fathers are in the family?


Let’s Talk About “Biblical” Discipline

The Bible calls it discipline, sometimes chastening. Society calls it hitting, spanking, and by its legal term, corporal punishment.


If God is For Us, Who Can Be Against Us?

When a person becomes a Christian and they are striving to do the very best that they can to live the kind of life that the Lord wants them to, sooner or later they learn that they are going to be confronted with difficulties and challenges that are unique to being a child of God. And, indeed, there are burdens that we have to bear; things that, if we had never become Christians, we would never have to endure.


Is Project “Management”’”¹ the Problem?

Some folks say that managers focus on doing things right, while leaders are focused on doing the right things.


Tomorrow’s Homes: Modern Methods of Construction

The Prefabricated Home doesn’t provide any answers, but it certainly asks the right questions, and they don’t just relate to prefabrication and housing, they concern the profession as a whole.


Successful People Always Leave the Office on Time?

Our 9-to-5 grind has produced a cult of workaholics. And regrettably, the eight to twelve hour workday hasn’t shifted in years.


The New Day: How Should I Think About My Failures?

The New Day was a British compact daily newspaper published by Trinity Mirror, launched on 29 February 2016. It was aimed at a middle-aged female audience, and was politically neutral. The editor, Alison Phillips, intended readers to get through the newspaper in under 30 minutes.


You Were Never Made to Be ‘Productive’

“Whenever There Is a Hard Job to Be Done, I Assign It to a Lazy Man; He Is Sure to Find an Easy Way of Doing It. — Bill Gates”


How to Raise a God Fearing Child?

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.