
Controversial Topics in Church Today

The drama that we find in our churches today remind me of soap operas or telenovelas.


They Were “Spiritual”…But Not Christlike

Anyone who says the Christian life is unadventurous hasn’t hung out much with the Apostle Paul.


The Awkwardness of Witnessing at Work

How many Christians work in your office? Not sure? Maybe they’ve chosen to hide their true identity. Maybe your office is teaming with undercover Christians. Are you one of them?


They Cried Out: Miracles in the Midst of Storms

A beloved friend is given a chance to hold her grandchild while cancer whittles and distorts her bone marrow. Her prognosis was death at 45 years of age but she is now 48 and cherishing her first grandchild. Do we cry out and worship the science and doctors?


What If Your Child Doesn’t Like the Gender GOD Gave Them?

You are a parent who loves the LORD and seeks to obey Him in all things, and you raise your children to do the same (Deut 6:6-7). What happens though, when your child tells you that they do not like the gender that GOD gave them?


Troubled Heart, Take Refuge in God

All around me are troubled hearts. It just seems that around every corner, in every news story, on social media, and in my small little burg hearts are broken, abused, and trampled. Are all of our prayer petitions for naught? Where is God?


Why Christianity Has Been Pushed Underground in China?

Millions of Chinese identify themselves with Christianity a reality that President Xi’s administration is fighting hard against. The number has increased gradually and this is seen as a threat to the government which is officially atheist and its power is being put to test.


Pray Without Ceasing: What Does it Mean?

What does it mean to ‘pray without ceasing’? Is that even possible? Many Believers have asked this question, perplexed at the command- because that is what it is, a command. We know that we are to obey God in all things, so how can we possibly ‘pray without ceasing’?


How Long Will I Be Allowed to Remain a Christian?

To say that Christians and Christianity are under a withering and brutal attack in certain areas of the world would be an understatement.


When You Think of the Word Home, Does Jesus Come to Mind?

There’s no place like home.” The phrase reflects a deeply rooted yearning within us to have a place to rest, be, and belong. However, belongs to those who understand that earth is but a rehearsal for heaven.


Coping with Depression

One of the feelings that keeps you stuck in depression is feeling overwhelmed. Everything is just too much. You’ve got so much on your mind. Especially thoughts about what you should be doing with your life…a job, a partner, a house, a family, etc.


Sharing Jesus With the World

Jesus wants us to remember that “the fields are ripe for harvest.” We have an opportunity like never before to introduce the gospel to the nations that God is bringing to our doors.


What was Jesus one commandment?

There are only two requirements: love God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind and love thy neighbor as thyself. If you take care of that, everything else will take care of itself.


A Faithful Guarantee

What  would it look like for us to be zealous for someone else’s joy? What if we were more concerned about others than ourselves?


32 Prayer Quotes – Be Encouraged and Inspired!

Prayer – it’s found throughout the Bible. Even Jesus prayed. Prayer is a powerful spiritual force and something that God wants His people to do. Here are some quotes and Bible verses to help keep you motivated and encouraged about that most powerful work – prayer.


Don’t Be a Superstitious Christian

A single magpie is “one for sorrow”, don’t open umbrellas indoors, don’t walk under a ladder. its seven years’ bad luck if you break a mirror, don’t spill salt and always remember to walk away from that black cat.