
When Memories Are Painful  

Are you ok? Painful memories? Is everything in your life good right now, or are you suffering?  I can relate.  Life can be painful sometimes. We all wish we could have seventy years of goodness, but that isn’t real life. Throughout my life, God has taught me valuable lessons regarding painful memories that I would like […]


We Can Do It! 

As the Israelites got to the borders of the Promised Land, Moses sent out scouts to assess the situation. Ten scouts returned with reports that focused on the giants in the land, men so big and powerful the scouts feared they could not be defeated. However, two of the scouts focused on the promise from […]


Pray & Teaching Your Children 

How should we as parents teach our children in the way of God? by our testimony. Christian parents are to hand down their witness of the gospel to their children. And their children will pass it along to the next generation.  Our first duty is to our homes. A person who does not start his […]


**Wisdom Wednesday’s** Cast All Your ANXIETY On Him Because He Cares For You

Did you know that you can throw your worries, concerns and issues at God? It’s true, whatever challenges you maybe going through right now, no matter the complexity, whether it just happened or you contributed to it. The Bible says ‘Cast your anxiety on Him’. The word ‘cast’ means literally to throw or fling. So […]


The Purpose of Trials

“Take up your cross and follow me,” Christ said. We shouldn’t expect the Christian life to be easy and comfortable because believers aren’t exempt from trials. Becoming a Christian may result in increased trouble and suffering. Peter refers to such hardship as a “fiery ordeal,” and tells us not to be surprised by it. God […]


Pruning Season Pt 2

Have you ever done something you said you would never do? Scriptures describe a time in Peter’s life in which he had done what he thought he would never, ever do. On the night he instituted the Lord’s Supper, Jesus predicted that all the disciples would be made to stumble because of him. Peter, in […]


Pruning Season

While pastoring in central California I was surrounded by vineyards. Have you ever walked through a vineyard? In John 15, Jesus’ words to His disciples reveal that He had passed through many vineyards. He had no doubt observed a caretaker faithfully preparing the grape vines for harvest: tenderly and thoroughly examining each vine and its […]


We Need Caleb’s Faith 

When the Israelites first approached the borders of Canaan, Moses sent scouts into the Promised Land to assess the situation. Ten of the scouts came back with reports that focused on the giants in the land, men so big and powerful the scouts feared they could not be defeated. Two of the scouts focused on […]



Landing in Tanzania has given me a chance to reflect on my spiritual direction. Direction, “a purpose or orientation toward a goal that serves to guide or motivate,” has an inevitable flow in our lives. In consideration of our daily direction, the above verse from Romans aligns our internal compass with the One who breathes […]


When Someone Hurts You

When we harbour unforgiveness or negative feelings towards other people, it can overwhelm us. Picture someone you’re not too fond of. What did you think of them doing to you? Did you think of something bad about them/their actions? Did you immediately want to start telling everyone a story about how awful they are? If […]


Crypto Won’t bring you True Freedom

We aren’t bound to news feeds, opinions, and news reports. Statistics don’t have the final say on our lives. Christ does. He reigns over all because He defeated death on our account. Seated at the right hand of the Father, the name above every other name, Jesus Christ determined our freedom.  We will never forget […]


In the Wilderness

God shows us who He is by what He does. His promises are worked out in the lives of His people. When we are in the middle of life’s barren wilderness, God’s hand seems absent, blinded as we are by circumstances and situations. But when we emerge from that leg of the journey, we can […]


Developing True Friendships

I’m so lonely Ray, I hear this over and over. We’re commanded to love each other in the same way God loved us, so I can’t help but think there’s a measure of Jesus in making new friends. As you open your life to new people, maybe it’s time to change acquaintances into true friends.  […]


The Alpha And Omega

Many talk about the awesomeness of God, but in the Lord’s Prayer have you noticed the way God wants you to address Him? Yes, He is the Almighty King of the universe. Yes, He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. Yes, He is the Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient One. We should acknowledge […]


Favour And Honour

Do you need peace, provision or guidance today? What do you need from the Lord? The Word of God promises that no good thing will He withhold from those who walk blamelessly before Him. Now you may be thinking, “I’m not perfect. How can I have a blameless walk?”   When you receive Jesus as your […]


What Do You Need From God In 2022?

Do you need peace, provision or guidance today? What do you need from the Lord? The Word of God promises that no good thing will He withhold from those who walk blamelessly before Him. Now you may be thinking, “I’m not perfect. How can I have a blameless walk?”   When you receive Jesus as your […]