
9 Architectural Projects That Busted the Bank Vaults

Since the beginning of recorded time, construction projects have always been a major part of history. In fact, grandiose construction projects to erect the architectural visions of Pharaohs, Kings, Rulers, and Monarchs was used as a way to put the wealth and power of leaders on display for all of the people their lands to see.


Taking the Right Path to Good Agile Implementations

A Wise Man Said Only Fools Rush In


35 Best Conflict Resolution Quotes

Jesus did not advocate non-violence merely as a technique for outwitting the enemy, but as a just means of opposing the enemy in such a way as to hold open the possibility of the enemy’s becoming just as well. Both sides must win. We are summoned to pray for our enemies’ transformation, and to respond to ill-treatment with a love that not only is godly but also, I am convinced, can only be found in God.”


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Agile Methodologies

The “agile” buzzword has really taken hold among a myriad organisations worldwide.


6 Project Management Taboos Christian Project Leaders Should Break

A taboo is an activity that is forbidden or sacred based on religious beliefs or morals. Breaking a taboo is extremely objectionable in society as a whole.


5 of the World’s Most Spectacular Megaprojects

We seem to be entering a new age of megaprojects as countries around the world mobilise the private sector to invest heavily in multi-billion or sometimes multi-trillion dollar infrastructure initiatives.


Axelos CEO Peter Hepworth in the Spotlight

Project Journal had the privilege of interviewing AXELOS previous CEO Peter Hepworth. Peter provided us with an insight into his role and AXELOS as a whole in October 2015.


Top 10 Project Management Myths Debunked

Project management is challenging enough without the myths. The profession has come a long way since the 1990s and some of these myths are fading. However, we still see remnants of them in one form or another. Great projects cut through false assumptions and confusion, allowing their teams to make smart decisions based on reality.


13 Basic Facts You Should Know about Modular Homes

Modular homes sometimes referred to as “factory built construction”, encompass a category of housing built in sections typically at a factory location. These houses must conform to local and regional building codes for the country the buyer plans to situate the dwelling.


Pocket Living in London: Micro-flats Gain Favour as the Answer to Big City Urban Density

Is building smaller homes the key to housing London’s first-time buyers – or a matter of concern? Sold at about 20 per cent below local market rate and backed by the Mayor, micro-flats could be the answer for London’s would-be home owners.


50 Quotes to Inspire Successful Leadership

Most people believe that the key to successful leadership is influence, not authority. Do you agree?


10 Motivational Quotes to Get You Through Your Procurement Woes

A well crafted quote, very much like good storytelling and can elucidate fuzzy concepts. For example, creativity” and “innovation” are not the first two words that come to mind when talking about procurement. However, According to Deloitte’s paper Charting the Course, this is where procurement’s destiny lies.


9 Suggestions for Overcoming Barriers to Good Design When Using Modern Methods of Construction (Mmc)

The term ‘Modern Methods of Construction’ (MMC) embraces a range of technologies involving various forms of prefabrication and/or off-site assembly.


Construction Begins on Sip Sports Center in Suzhou

Building work has begun on a multi-functional sports complex in the Chinese city of Sizhou, west of Shanghai.


The Hard Side of Change Management

Change is good. It’s also often hard. But to succeed in business, you must run toward it.


29 Awesome Quotes on Risk Management

29 Awesome Quotes on Risk Management