
Things You Deserve To Leave Behind In 2017

Leave behind the past because nothing is going to change there and the more you keep looking back the more you’ll fail to see what’s in front of you.


25 Delicious Things To Cook In September

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Tomorrow’s Homes: Modern Methods of Construction

The Prefabricated Home doesn’t provide any answers, but it certainly asks the right questions, and they don’t just relate to prefabrication and housing, they concern the profession as a whole.


Let Our Advance Worrying Become Advance Thinking and Planning: 20 Project Management Quotes to Live By

Project Management is undoubtedly one of the most stressful jobs in the world. Job stress or work stress is not always harmful, but it should be kept within limits.


A Day in the Life of a Project Manager

We’re all project managers – even though we might not realize it. We plan and organize resources, measure achievement of goals and make decisions on how to move forward and take corrective action. Understanding and paying attention to important project management details allows you to lead the way as a project manager.


65% of Mega-projects Fail

Mega-projects come with big expectations. But a project’s success is often in the eye of the beholder.


Project Manager or Scapegoat?

Project managers have the toughest job; you’re pulled in a myriad of different directions trying to please management, your team and your clients. While you are often asked to perform miracles with tight turnaround times, it’s your head on the block when things don’t go according to plan.


The 8 Biggest Risks of Big Data Projects

The phenomenon of “Big Data” exacerbates the tension between potential benefits and privacy risks by upping the ante on both sides of the equation. Any project can fail for any number of reasons: bad management, poor budget management, or just a lack of relevant skills. However, big data projects bring their own specific risks.


Professional Consultancy Responds to Health and Social Care Challenges

As people in the UK live longer, demand for residential care and nursing homes is growing, as are our expectations of the standard of living they will provide.


Is Organ Donation A Sin? Should Christians Donate Their Organs?

Is it sinful to donate organs after death and if necessary, even before death?