
Lean On Me When You’re Not Strong

This year, this month, this week has been strange to say the least, with unprecedented difficulties. We are facing a situation that seems like it has no logical solution. Sometimes we have to turn our minds off, stop trying to figure it all out, stop overanalysing, and stop researching everything. When you don’t see the […]


You Have Ambassadorial Authority

Did you know God wants to do His work on earth through you? You are His ambassador or representative. You have been given His authority and power to act on His behalf. It’s easy to get focused on this natural realm and all the things that we need, but do you realise that you are […]


Meditation Is Part Of The Solution

One of the things that will bring you sanity during these chaotic times is meditating, particularly before you start your day, or at the end of the day. To meditate on something simply means to think about it, and let the meaning of it sink deep down into your heart.  Meditation is a spiritual practice […]


More Hope Than Optimism

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, optimism is “hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something; a tendency to take a favourable or hopeful view.” Hope is the “expectation of something desired; desire combined with expectation.”


How the God of All Comfort Can Help You

Do you need comfort today?

Maybe you’ve had a rough day. Or week. Or season.

Maybe a relationship isn’t going as you imagined, or your job is overwhelming, or the unending to-do list is just stressing you out. Or maybe you’ve lost someone, and you need comfort right now.


Time to focus on your victories and not your past failures

If the creator of the universe, all powerful, omnipotent being knows, sees, acknowledges, and CHERISHES each and every success, no matter how big or small they are, wouldn’t you want to as well?


Fight Like Ana — Film Project: When Trajedy strikes, your Faith in God can help!

Fight Like Ana is the story of a young woman stripped of everything, and how her faith and family gives her the strength to overcome incredible adversity.


You Are Always On His Mind

“God is too busy to deal with my small problems, that’s why I haven’t heard from him yet.” Have you ever had difficulty receiving from God because you thought, “God has better things on His mind,” or “this isn’t that important to Him?” It may be tempting to let your mind wander in that direction, but […]


Are You Waiting for God to Bless You?

I hate waiting. Nowadays there seems to be queues everywhere. What are you waiting for God to do in your life? One thing I’ve learned is that waiting should not be a passive thing. When we’re waiting, we’re on the lookout, we have expectation. We speak what we are expecting from God. We act like […]


God Will Bring You Through

How do we weather seasons in life when friends are far away, fair havens have faded from the horizon, we are storm-tossed at sea, and everything we need has been stripped away?


Fear Not

“Fear not . . .”  Isaiah 43:1 “Fear not” – words that make us stand a little straighter and feel a little stronger.  “Fear not,” (and words of a similar context) are found in the Bible more than a hundred times.[1]  We’re taught that fear and faith cannot coexist.  A fearful saint is not a […]


Fathers to the Fatherless

It has been said that fathers are the world’s most unsung heroes. Their value is rarely acknowledged, and their sacrifices often go unseen and unappreciated. Once a year on Father’s Day, we have the ideal opportunity to show our dads how much they mean to us.


Laura’s Story: How I’m Coping after Losing My Father to Suicide

Suicide is a subject many are afraid to talk about or even acknowledge. But how do we not talk about one of the leading causes of death? Each year, suicides claim the lives of 44,000 people in the United States alone. It’s the third leading cause of death for children between ages 10 and 14, and the second leading cause of death for people between 15 and 34.


My Dog Brought Me Closer to God

The old saying, “a dog is a man’s best friend,” has never been truer. Many hearts and souls are warmed by the unconditional love, loyalty, and companionship of dogs.


Mental Illness: Are they falling into darkness?

How to cope with a friend’s mental illness is not an easy task but there is no shame in talking about it. Healing starts with acknowledging the situation, then we can move forward!


How Forgiveness Can Make You Love Again

When somebody wrongs you—either by accident or on purpose—it can be hard to get over it. You may never be able to reconcile with the wrongdoer, but forgiveness is divine and it gives you a chance to be a better person.