
How Technology Has Changed Procurement in the Last 10 Years

Over the past decade business procurement has experienced rapid technological upheaval that, in the main, has made life easier for everyone involved.


The New Day: How Should I Think About My Failures?

The New Day was a British compact daily newspaper published by Trinity Mirror, launched on 29 February 2016. It was aimed at a middle-aged female audience, and was politically neutral. The editor, Alison Phillips, intended readers to get through the newspaper in under 30 minutes.


33 of the Most Inspirational Leadership Quotes for You to Live By

We’ve all seen quotes designed to motivate or inspire us. Well, according to a new study, people who post these ‘inspirational’ quotes also have lower levels of intelligence. However, Project Journal disagrees, and see’s some quotes as universal nuggets of wisdom. You know the ones – those quotes that give you “Aha!” moments of inspiration or meaningful insights into your personal and professional lives. These are the ones you want to print out and place on your fridge so you’ll see them every day.


How to Cope with a Mis-Sold Job

Fewer than half of UK employees are happy with the way their careers are progressing, and many blame their boss for their lack of progress, according to new British research.


15 Shocking Project Management Statistics

The project management landscape is changing with an increased emphasis on productivity, reporting, and information technology. A number of studies have been completed that look into the success and failure rates of projects.


7 Tips You Need to Be a Super Project Manager

There’s a world of difference between projects that are taken on and carried out willy-nilly, and those that are planned with precision and finesse


35 Powerful Quotes That Will Inspire You to Be Successful

Great quotes can be inspirational and motivational. They are essentially powerful nuggets of wisdom condensed into 1-2 lines.


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Project Management for Christian Leaders

The lack of project management training or experience of many Christian leaders can be an enormous stress factor for them. Whilst natural organizational ability is enormously helpful, in itself it is no guarantee of any project being both successful and low stress.


Axelos CEO Peter Hepworth in the Spotlight

Project Journal had the privilege of interviewing AXELOS previous CEO Peter Hepworth. Peter provided us with an insight into his role and AXELOS as a whole in October 2015.


Top 10 Project Management Myths Debunked

Project management is challenging enough without the myths. The profession has come a long way since the 1990s and some of these myths are fading. However, we still see remnants of them in one form or another. Great projects cut through false assumptions and confusion, allowing their teams to make smart decisions based on reality.


4 Lies about Procurement You Probably Believe

The world of Procurement is seemingly full of impassioned people absolutely certain about how, what, why Procurement is all about. Like other great lies, many of these half-truths and misleading ideas sound agreeable to the ears and come packaged as good advice from influential people.

How many of these popular lies have you fallen victim to?


34 Thought Provoking Change Management Quotes

Change is good. It’s also often hard. The status quo can be so much more comfortable. But to succeed in business, you must run toward change.


Playing God: Swedish Train operator uses Big Data to ‘avoid train delays that haven’t happened yet’

In a sign of things to come, a Swedish train operator is using new technology that employs big data to predict the entire commuter train system two hours into the future.


Can the Real Project Manager Please Stand Up?

One very serious problem plaguing the project management Industry is the lack of “effective” Project Managers.


43 Great Quotes To Inspire You To Be a Better Christian Leader

A curated list of great leadership quotes by Christian thought leaders and from biblical passages, and scripture.


75 of the Most Inspirational Leadership Quotes

Sometimes all the inspiration you need to guide your team successfully can be found in a few simple words of wisdom.

No one can deny the power of a good quote. They motivate and inspire us to be our best.

Tweet them, share them, but most important, use them to help you become an even better leader than you already are.