
One Day At A Time

I always thought that grace was unmerited favour, but recently I’ve learned it’s also God’s supernatural empowerment on your life. Throughout Scripture, we see God giving daily grace, power, and provision to His people. When the people of Israel were in the wilderness headed toward the Promised Land, God gave them manna each morning to […]


Sphere Of Influence

During this pandemic and periods of lockdown, one thing that God has done for us is that He has given us more ministry opportunities. Reaching out to neighbours, friends, and the vulnerable. Millions have started online ministries and businesses. What about you! Don’t just sit there and watch the world go by. God wants to […]


God Will Respond

Have you ever wondered where God is when you call on Him in the midst of your trial?  Scripture promises that He is near to those who call upon His Name. It doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re going through; He is your deliverer. He’ll bring light into your darkest hour; He’ll bring rain […]


God Will Respond

Have you ever wondered where God is when you call on Him in the midst of your trial?  Scripture promises that He is near to those who call upon His Name. It doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re going through; He is your deliverer. He’ll bring light into your darkest hour; He’ll bring rain […]


Beyond Your Limits

When you are incarcerated – physically or emotionally – you are stuck, limited and in trouble. When Paul in Scripture wrote he was in chains, arrested for preaching the gospel, everything in his surroundings was “limited.” But instead of looking at his surroundings, Paul kept his eyes on the limitless God. Paul, kept looking for […]


God Help Me Control My Tongue

I believe every word we speak has power. Have you ever said things you wish you could take back? Our words determine the direction of our lives. The Bible tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue.   There’s no neutral ground. We are either sowing seeds of life and productivity […]


Divine Favour

Your life today may seem to have no order and your future looks bleak. God says in Scripture that He has laid out plans for each one of us. When God laid out the plan for your life, He lined up the right people, the right circumstances and the right breaks. He’s already released favour, […]


Are Your Roots Grounded In God?

Have you ever felt like your life is spinning out of control? Do you feel tossed around by the storms of life? Have you ever seen a tree in a hurricane? The wind and the rain blows the leaves from the branches, and sometimes the branches are torn off and the tree is blown over. […]


Satisfaction Guaranteed

Do you want to be satisfied? Did you know that respecting and honouring God will lead you to experiencing satisfaction? Yes, that’s right; no matter where you’re at, what is troubling you, or what has happened to you in the past, true satisfaction is close at hand. It’s found in a personal relationship with Jesus […]


What Is Top Of Your To-Do List?

What is your priority today? Where is you focus? Do you have so much on your “to-do” list that you don’t even know where to start? The question is, is all of that really necessary?   The Scripture tells us there is only one priority needed in life, and that is to sit at the feet […]


Don’t Let Go Of Hope

A week ago today, satan thought he had won. Christ was in the grave, the disciple’s were hiding, and many followers of Christ had quit. It’s the same today, during our trials and hopeless situations he wants us to give up and quit so he can have the victory in our lives. But, just like […]


The Power Of Possibility

During this pandemic, many have lost hope and trust in God. God reminds us with this simple promise that “with Him, all things are possible!” Possibility is powerful! Possibility isn’t limited. It means you have options. No matter how you may feel right now, you aren’t stuck and you aren’t confined to your circumstances. No, […]


Look back At Your Victories

Looking back at life is not always a good thing as not all our memories are good.  However, today I encourage you to take time to look back and see the victories that God has given you? Are they written down somewhere?   Scripture suggest It’s so important to meditate on the victory of God in your […]


Praise Prepares The Way For Victory

When hard times come your way what do you focus on? We can learn so much from the apostle Paul. He was deliriously happy and joyful because of what Christ had done in his life. Even when he was chained and shackled in a dark prison because of his faith, Paul praised God, and counted […]


He Is Risen The Day After

On the Monday, the day after Christ rose from the grave, “Jesus is Risen” were the words on everyone’s lips. For many, that was a reason to celebrate, not only on that day but every day! Because He is risen, we can rise up too in every area of life. We can have victory over […]


Good Friday

Where Feelings Are Not Facts  On Good Friday some 2000 years ago Christ was overwhelmed, the pressure of the world was on His shoulders, it was going to be a hard day. He was weak but he had to push through. On good Friday Christ teaches us how to handle being overwhelmed and feeling weak. […]