
Satan Is Your Enemy

I’ve learned that in life, some people are peace-stealers. They feel it’s their calling to aggravate you, try to make you look bad, and tell you what you can or can’t do. They’ll try to bait you into an argument to get you upset, annoyed and frustrated. But don’t take the bait! Nothing is worth […]


Keep Walking Through

Do you feel right now that you’re walking through the valley of the shadow of death? This refers to life’s tough times when you’re at breaking point, evil is all around you, and fear steals your faith. During these tough times, it’s easy to get discouraged. I love what it says in the verse, “though […]


We Will Get Through

I hear this question over and over these days – are we going to get through these difficult times? It’s easy to get discouraged during the tough times. Have you ever gone through something that felt like the valley of the shadow of death? But I love what it says in today’s verse, “though I […]


Don’t Engage with the Enemy’s Lies

When that guy cat-calls you just to get a reaction, what do you do? You ignore him and keep walking. When that bully pushes all of your buttons just to make you mad, what do you do? you tune them out and move on. When somebody tries to convince you of something you know 100% […]


‘Keep walking and don’t get comfortable,’ Jesus said

If we are walking, we are not staying in one place – unless perhaps we are on a treadmill.