
I Am Your Everything

In Scripture God is called the Great I AM – to many – the greatest title for God. Through this title He’s saying, “I am everything you need. I am the Creator of the universe. I am the one who spoke the worlds into existence. I am your strength. I am your wisdom. I am […]



As we come towards the end a year of uncertainty, one person that is certain is God! We serve a great and mighty God who is in control despite the chaos! He is the Creator of the universe, the one who spoke the worlds into existence. Scripture says He is the Great I AM, and He’s […]



Matthew 11:11-12 I tell you the truth: Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist, yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful […]


Is Project “Management”’”¹ the Problem?

Some folks say that managers focus on doing things right, while leaders are focused on doing the right things.


A Compendium of Project Management Humour to Make You Laugh

Being able to lighten up and see the funny side might not seem important. But being able to laugh at yourself and at life is lifelong protection against depression, anxiety, and anger – all toxic emotions.


10 Things Every Successful Leader Should Do Everyday

But how and when on earth are we supposed to do all that is the reply received from newly qualified project managers only weeks into their new positions when we describe some of the activities they should be focusing on to be successful as leaders.


Failure ‘Is a Stepping Stone to Success’

People mostly want to perform at their best; they want to be recognised for leading, winning and generally improving. On the flip side, few wish to be perceived as getting worse, failing, or not trying their best. As such, we often hide failure from others.


7 Simple Ideas to Become a Better Leader

Leaders are called to believe and see a beautiful, bright and expansive future for those who can’t see one for themselves.


3 Tips for Dealing with a Manipulative Project Co-Worker

According to a recent survey, roughly 90% of folks who read this post are presently working with at least one person who, mentally, would be described as a manipulator.


Successful People Always Leave the Office on Time?

Our 9-to-5 grind has produced a cult of workaholics. And regrettably, the eight to twelve hour workday hasn’t shifted in years.


Politics and Project Management, a Lesson in Leadership

Most people hate office politics, but if we want to move up the chain in an organization, we have to learn how to deal with people who have bad intentions.


Zero Inbox: The Power of a Fresh Start

I keep hoping that somehow the right technique, the right method or the right programme will move my inbox to zero, my desk trays to empty, and my latest to-do-list to all checked off. All in vain.

Then I turn to Christianity and, to my unutterable and indescribable delight, I encounter the rare and refreshing works: “It is finished!” Are there any happier words in the universe?  


Let Our Advance Worrying Become Advance Thinking and Planning: 20 Project Management Quotes to Live By

Project Management is undoubtedly one of the most stressful jobs in the world. Job stress or work stress is not always harmful, but it should be kept within limits.


The New Day: How Should I Think About My Failures?

The New Day was a British compact daily newspaper published by Trinity Mirror, launched on 29 February 2016. It was aimed at a middle-aged female audience, and was politically neutral. The editor, Alison Phillips, intended readers to get through the newspaper in under 30 minutes.


The Nature of Good ‘Project Chemistry’

The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual project stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime. The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual project stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.

Nicolini (2002) theoretical framework asserted that good project chemistry enhances the operation of project teams, quality of the final product allowing the early detection of problems.

culture faith

Racism Is Still Alive and Well in the UK, 50 Years after the Race Relations Act

“Is There a Glass Ceiling Where You Work? One in Three Brits ‘admits to Being Racist’, according to poll.”