
Fighting to Be a Father

As divorced fathers, particularly non-custodial ones, we quickly find ourselves without many of the rights and privileges related to our children that we had before. Some of these are taken from us by the nature of divorce, some by our ex, and some by the courts.


32 Prayer Quotes – Be Encouraged and Inspired!

Prayer – it’s found throughout the Bible. Even Jesus prayed. Prayer is a powerful spiritual force and something that God wants His people to do. Here are some quotes and Bible verses to help keep you motivated and encouraged about that most powerful work – prayer.


Don’t Be a Superstitious Christian

A single magpie is “one for sorrow”, don’t open umbrellas indoors, don’t walk under a ladder. its seven years’ bad luck if you break a mirror, don’t spill salt and always remember to walk away from that black cat.


Should I Do Yoga if I am a Christian?

As a Christian, should I do yoga? Am I allowed? Will Jesus love me less?


Does Prayer Really Make a Difference?

If you and I were having coffee together, and I asked you, “Hey, how’s your prayer life?”, how would you respond?


So You Think You’ve Married the Wrong Person?

Regrets! We all live with them. But when the regrets involve something as important as marriage can seem like you’re dealing with a life sentence, in the worst prison possible.


Is Russell Brand A Christian?

On the heels of a denouncement by Pope Francis that journalists are peddling fake news, I was recently reading a feature article by a popular Christian magazine, intimating that Russell Brand had become a Christian. The language was subtle but the message seemed clear. Brand believes that Christ’s teaching is “more relevant now than they’ve ever been”.


How Much Credit Does Jesus Deserve for the Eagles’ Super Bowl LII Victory?

Some in the sports media are unhappy that NBC sports analyst Tony Dungy often slips his Christian ideas into his sports analysis. However, many of these same reporters have no problem praising athletes for their anthem protests and political activism.


Feeling Anxious? Beat Anxiety with 3 Biblical Steps

Anxiety, worry and tension are some of the most destructive forces we can face. They sap our strength and slowly undermine our faith, keeping us from maturing in the Lord (Luke 8:14).  


Worldly Peace Vs. God’s Peace

Do you ever feel like the world is out of control? I know some folks who won’t even listen to the news because of all the terrible and scary events being reported. Isn’t it wonderful to know that our Lord want us to have peace?


Being Brave: A 40-Day Journey to the Life God Dreams for You

Part 1 of an interview with Kelly Johnson,Author of Being Brave: A 40-Day Journey to the Life God Dreams for You The world can be a scary place, and the fear it produces can spiral us into a sort of paralysis that keeps us from speaking truth, living boldly, and encouraging others. To spur us […]


Is a Thorough Knowledge of the Bible Really worth More than a College Education?

That book, sir, is the rock on which our republic rests and contains more true sublimity, more exquisite beauty, more pure morality, more important history, and finer strains of poetry and eloquence than can be collected from all other books, in whatever age or language they may have been written.


7 Ways Meditative Prayer Can Benefit Your Health

All meditation is not the same. These seven examples show how Biblical meditation can benefit your health.


The Pain of a Prodigal: Why Children of Christian Parents Abandon the Faith?

Statistics show a rise in the number of people who hold no religion.   For Australia, an official tally shows a steady rise every 10 years. Nat Geo reports that “the religiously unaffiliated, called “nones,” are now”¦ the second largest group in North America and most of Europe.


What Is The The Holy Spirit?

He is not an “it.” He is not a divine influence. He is not a fleecy white cloud and He is not a ghost or a concept, but He is a person possessing a will, intellect and emotions.


How to Win Your Friends and Family to Christ

Do you, like me, have family members who do not believe in Jesus? If so, we are in good company. So did Jesus. And I think this is meant to give us hope.