
Your Time Is Coming

God knows the desires of your heart. God has an appointed time to fulfil the dreams and desires based upon His will and purpose for your life. Just because it has taken a long time, or because you’ve tried and failed, doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen. Don’t give up on those dreams! Don’t […]


Jacob Blake – Sometimes Praising God Is Hard

When you wake up in the morning, what’s the first thing you do? Do you praise God for His goodness? Do you set the tone for praise because of success, favour and blessing? Looking at the events of this past week, months and year, it is so hard to praise God at all times like the […]


I Wish I Hadn’t Said That

Have you ever spoken and wished that you could take the words back…or that you could crawl into a hole?



Whether you are in a valley or on a mountaintop, we all have a desire to change in some way.


I’m White, Privileged With a Message on Racism That The World Is Missing

Racism is a pretty controversial topic, especially in the world we live in today. Among Christians, things can get especially dicey, as the rest of the world’s eyes are just staring and waiting for us to make a mistake.


24 of Bonhoeffer’s Most Challenging Quotes

More than seventy years after his death, Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s writings on faith, the Church, ethics and the nature of God serve as a touchstone for all of us who seek to understand a Christian’s responsibility in the face of injustice and have gone on to have a profound influence on Western Culture and the legions of Christian thinkers who’ve encountered them ever since.  


Who’s Pimping Who…?

If you have sexual relations with a stranger for 1 million dollars there are three things you are guaranteed: 1. Nobody will ever know, 2. No disease and 3. No baby. 1 million dollars, no questions asked, out the door would you do it?  


“Britain should take pride in its Christian heritage” says Theresa May

As we celebrate the birth of Christ, let us celebrate all those selfless acts – and countless others – that epitomise the values we share: Christian values of love, service and compassion that are lived out every day in our country by people all faiths and none.


35 Powerful Quotes That Will Inspire You to Be Successful

Great quotes can be inspirational and motivational. They are essentially powerful nuggets of wisdom condensed into 1-2 lines.


5 Secrets to Successful Project Management for Christian Leaders

The lack of project management training or experience of many Christian leaders can be an enormous stress factor for them. Whilst natural organizational ability is enormously helpful, in itself it is no guarantee of any project being both successful.


5 Indicators You’ve Hired the Right Project Manager

The importance of hiring the right project manager cannot be overstated enough. Whenever senior managers are asked to identify outstanding project managers, they almost always have a hard time doing so. What’s most concerning about this is that almost £2 trillion pounds are spent on these projects across the globe, according to Gartner.


4 Lies about Procurement You Probably Believe

The world of Procurement is seemingly full of impassioned people absolutely certain about how, what, why Procurement is all about. Like other great lies, many of these half-truths and misleading ideas sound agreeable to the ears and come packaged as good advice from influential people.

How many of these popular lies have you fallen victim to?


Are Women Better Project Managers Than Men?

Men and women are different on many levels, anyone can tell you this. While they have distinct physical and character differences, another telling difference between men and women is the way they work, manage, and handle different scenarios in a professional setting.


Manage Your Project More Effectively Now

There are a few who get project management right from the outset, but for many it’s a minefield. In theory, project management seems easy, but it’s not as straightforward as it seems.