
Satan Attacks

Sometimes I sit back and think that these attacks from the enemy never stop. With the more we do kingdom work for God, the more we seem to be his target practice. Jesus said, “Simon, listen to me! Satan has demanded the right to test each one of you, as a farmer does when he separates wheat from […]


6 Ways Laughter is Good for You

Much evidence exists that God meant for us to laugh, to have fun, and to find ways to enjoy our lives. When God created our bodies, he made them in such a way that laughter is actually physically beneficial to us.

faith life

5 Truths about God’s Design for Sex in Marriage

Living in an over-sexualized culture, we hear messages about sex, wrong messages.   These messages become more a part of us than God’s truth because we hear them repetitively and churches are scared to address sexuality.


What Does #MeToo: Stories of Sexual Abuse, Harassment Have to Do with You?

Fighting the stigma faced by sexual violence survivors is a crucial step in forcing the change referenced by Tamblyn. The “#MeToo” hashtag shows that more and more people are ready to share their stories and change the dialogue surrounding sexual violence. But what does #MeToo: stories of sexual abuse, harassment have to do with you?


24 Lecrae Quotes that Will Challenge How You Practice Faith

Here are some of Lecrae’s most powerful quotes that can help re-inspire the way you live your faith.


The Church, a Wolf, and Little Red Riding Hood

A girl, a wolf and a granny—these are the main characters in the famous story. What lessons can God’s people learn from the fable of Little Red Riding Hood?  


Syrian Artist Uses Suitcases to Recreate the Homes Refugees Left Behind

A man named Mohamad Hafez created miniature, three-dimensional models protruding from suitcases as a way to help tell stories of refugees and the struggles so many of them have had to grapple with in recent years.


How To Deliver On The Promise of MegaProjects

Due to the large scale and outlook attached to them, mega-projects have a large opportunity for failure. Typically, the failure begins at the outset of the project, whether that be due to poor justification for the project, misalignment among stakeholders, insufficient planning, or inability to find and use appropriate capabilities.


Project Manager or Scapegoat?

Project managers have the toughest job; you’re pulled in a myriad of different directions trying to please management, your team and your clients. While you are often asked to perform miracles with tight turnaround times, it’s your head on the block when things don’t go according to plan.


Playing God: Swedish Train operator uses Big Data to ‘avoid train delays that haven’t happened yet’

In a sign of things to come, a Swedish train operator is using new technology that employs big data to predict the entire commuter train system two hours into the future.


MoVoCoSy – Modular Volumetric Construction System

Meanwhile, the pre-cast concrete MoVoCoSy project from Arup and promised to tackle another prefab preconception.


13 Powerful Photo Stories That Captured Our Attention This Year

In 2014, photographers and curators used images to tell more than a few worthy stories. What better time to remember the visual stories from 2014 that reminded us humanity is a beautiful, complicated mess?


The Ideal Home Exhibition: Live-in Quarters

The Live-in Quarters concept house and the Spaceover keyworkers prototype