
Declare It!

Did you know there is creative power in the words we declare? In the same way that God created the world with His words in Genesis 1, we “create” our own world with our words. We can create an atmosphere of peace, joy, power and love with our words, or we can create an atmosphere […]


Faith Gives Substance

Faith gives substance to the things you hope for. In other words, faith brings things into your life. Notice the verse below starts by saying, “Now faith.” It’s not “later” faith or “one day” faith. It’s faith for today, right now.  The basic definition of faith according to the Bible, is simply believing in God’s […]


It’s All About Your Perspective

After one of the biggest revivals in Preston and many people giving their heart to the Lord, I find myself focused on what’s wrong in life, what I don’t have, and how big my obstacles are. If we’re not careful, we’ll lose sight of all the good things God has done. We’ll take for granted […]



Scripture reminds us that Jesus came to give us abundant life!  It’s not talking about living in a big fancy house or driving the newest car. No, His promise of abundant life goes way beyond material things that this world offers. Abundant life means “life to the full.” That means no matter what is going on […]


Keep Adding Clean Water

Do you want to be changed? Meditate on God’s Word and His marvellous deeds and it will change you! It will begin to drive out old, negative thoughts and fill you with His strength and power. How does that happen? Imagine that you are holding a glass of dirty water in your hand. It’s full […]


Overcoming Fears

There are times in our lives when the challenges we face are many. Whether there are things happening in your life or to the entirety of the world, fears can get the best of you. This can make anyone too scared to take chances and live their lives to the fullest. Overcoming fears that are […]


Just Do It!

Nike has a slogan that says, “just do it.” Did you know that before Nike the Bible had a similar slogan? Jesus performed His first miracle, at the wedding celebration in Cana. Mary His mother knew that in order to see His power at work, there was one key: “Whatever He says, she said, do […]


A Spiritual Immune Booster

Daily, since the pandemic started, we are hearing about different ways to boost our immune system and stay in good health. Here is a Biblical health tip. The best thing you can do for your health is to set your heart at peace with God. Peace is such a powerful position. It is a position […]


Be Still And Know”¦

You may be wondering why God has allowed lockdown. Maybe He is saying “be still” you’re doing too much. Our lives today have become used to having constant activity: computers, mobile phones, television, email, video games. There’s nothing wrong with any of that stuff, but the Bible tells us that we need to stop and be […]



Did you know that emotions are God-given? If there’s one thing that can lead you away from your potential, and seeing the awesome plan God has for your life, it’s your emotions. Too often, people allow their circumstances to dictate their emotions and thoughts, instead of the Word of God.  When we allow our circumstances […]


My Steps Are Ordered

This week one of my prayers has been that God would give me direction and a renewed vigour. When we encounter difficult situations, we can be tempted to wonder if we are on the right path for our lives. And yes, sometimes we make poor choices that get us off course.   If your heart is […]


I Will Not Be Moved

How do you deal with challenges over this year of strange happenings? Do you feel better equipped to handle life’s difficulties? it’s interesting that the apostle Paul never prayed for every challenge to go away. He prayed that God would give him the strength to go through them with a good attitude. He sought emotional […]


Avoid Strife And Live Honourably

Someone once said challenges are merely distractions meant to keep us from pursuing our destiny. Maybe someone at work isn’t as friendly to you as you’d like. Maybe you have a neighbour who always parks in front of your house and blocks your driveway. Those things may be frustrating, but they have little significance when […]


Shed Some Tears, and Be Ok with That

Shedding tears in this world is not a matter of if, only a matter of when.


What Does The Bible Say About Fathers?

Fathers play a pivotal role in the family and often the success of the father determines the success of the family. What Bible verses show us just how important fathers are in the family?


How to Find Strength in Tough Times: A Biblical Approach for Conquering Life’s Hardships

Life is hard. Does anyone wish to argue about that? In good times it’s easy to talk about faith. It’s easy to see why we believe and encourage others to “keep the faith” when they’re feeling down. But what about periods of prolonged suffering and attacks? How on earth do we keep the faith in tough times?