
The chosen one – Millions of Americans Believe God Made Trump President

Two years into Trump’s tumultuous presidency, evangelical Christians remain some of his most loyal supporters. A pastor recently stated on a popular evangelical Christian TV show that he interceded on behalf of Donald Trump to get him elected as president of the United States–and that those busy at work trying to get him removed are […]


How Long Will I Be Allowed to Remain a Christian?

To say that Christians and Christianity are under a withering and brutal attack in certain areas of the world would be an understatement.


15 Shocking Project Management Statistics

The project management landscape is changing with an increased emphasis on productivity, reporting, and information technology. A number of studies have been completed that look into the success and failure rates of projects.


Fighting Gender Discrimination in The High-Tech World

The Equality Act 2010 makes it unlawful for an employer to discriminate against employees because of their gender. However, new research suggests that tech-savvy women might face gender discrimination in jobs at high-tech firms, partly due to mismanaged projects. It shows gender discrimination is still as prevalent in the UK as it was 20 years ago, and comes as International Women’s Day will be celebrated this week on March 8, for the 103rd year.


‘Creation From Catastrophe’ a New exhibition looks at how architects are doing more to prepare us for disaster – but is it enough?

From floating schools to unseen plans for an alternative London, a new exhibition showcases the good, the bad and the ugly architectural responses to urban disasters


9 Architectural Projects That Busted the Bank Vaults

Since the beginning of recorded time, construction projects have always been a major part of history. In fact, grandiose construction projects to erect the architectural visions of Pharaohs, Kings, Rulers, and Monarchs was used as a way to put the wealth and power of leaders on display for all of the people their lands to see.


5 of the World’s Most Spectacular Megaprojects

We seem to be entering a new age of megaprojects as countries around the world mobilise the private sector to invest heavily in multi-billion or sometimes multi-trillion dollar infrastructure initiatives.