
This Is Preparation Time

In these uncertain times of lockdown and restrictions, I have heard folks saying they are bored and frustrated. We all go through seasons of waiting, and this could be yours. A lot of times, people just sit back and wait for God to do it all. But you have to remember to do your part, […]


Quotes by Charles Haddon Spurgeon

We have been become so accustomed to TV preachers that sugarcoat everything or take things out of context, that a Christian needs to switch the ‘looking box’ off and get stuck in the Bible to drown out the filth. If we are looking for good Christian material to read, look no further than books authored […]


62 Reasons Why I Love My Mom

There are certain lessons only a mother can teach. A grandmother may not be as relatable, and a sister may not have enough wisdom – which is why it’s up to Mom to initiate a heart-to-heart about matters of the heart.


Higdon Name Meaning & Higdon Family History

Delicate, rare and striking – forgotten photographs of black Britons in the late 19th and early 20th century have been unearthed from the depths of the Hulton Archive — one of the world’s oldest and largest archives holding over 80 million images.


I’m White, Privileged With a Message on Racism That The World Is Missing

Racism is a pretty controversial topic, especially in the world we live in today. Among Christians, things can get especially dicey, as the rest of the world’s eyes are just staring and waiting for us to make a mistake.


Instead of Waiting for Better Times You Better Create Them

How many times have you read a great post, finished an inspirational book, or had life-changing idea, and wanted to make a change, take action, do something, start a passion project”¦.. but then didn’t?


Mental Illness: Are they falling into darkness?

How to cope with a friend’s mental illness is not an easy task but there is no shame in talking about it. Healing starts with acknowledging the situation, then we can move forward!


She’s Interested and He’s Not Pursuing

There’s a joke going around: men in the church are like parking spaces. The good ones are either already taken – or they’re handicapped.


The Church, a Wolf, and Little Red Riding Hood

A girl, a wolf and a granny—these are the main characters in the famous story. What lessons can God’s people learn from the fable of Little Red Riding Hood?  


Successful People Always Leave the Office on Time?

Our 9-to-5 grind has produced a cult of workaholics. And regrettably, the eight to twelve hour workday hasn’t shifted in years.


Zero Inbox: The Power of a Fresh Start

I keep hoping that somehow the right technique, the right method or the right programme will move my inbox to zero, my desk trays to empty, and my latest to-do-list to all checked off. All in vain.

Then I turn to Christianity and, to my unutterable and indescribable delight, I encounter the rare and refreshing works: “It is finished!” Are there any happier words in the universe?  


The Brexit Vote Is Set to Cause a Second Revolution in the City of London, But What Would Jesus Do?  

In the corporate world, there is a growing recognition that strong relationships with customers can form the bedrock of future innovation.


Why Do Projects Fail?

Large projects fail at an astonishing rate – more than 50%, by some estimates.


The Ideal Home Exhibition: Live-in Quarters

The Live-in Quarters concept house and the Spaceover keyworkers prototype